Corporations Act offences

Certain actions or omissions by people subject to a corporate insolvency appointment can be subject to various offences.

 Non-Disclosure or Misrepresentation    $10,000 or 2 years or both  section 590(1) of the Corporations Act
Knowingly Receiving property of company    $5,000 or 1 year or both  section 590(5) of the Corporations Act 
Frauds by Officers of company    $10,000 or 2 years or both  section 596 of the Corporations Act
Falsification of company books and records    $10,000 or 2 years or both  section 1307 of the Corporations Act
Providing False or Misleading statement section    $20,000 or 5 years or both  section 1308 of the Corporations Act